So last week we talked on Sunday about the unchanging principals of parenting. Three things, Loving and appropriate touch, time and encouraging talk. I was thinking more this week about that because someone who was out of town and watched on-line was then able to have a discussion with their kids about appropriate touch. This is a conversation you need to have multiple times with your kids and at all ages so that they understand that the dangers are not always from strangers. Most abuse is done by people that are known to the family, church friends, sports coaches, relatives and family friends. We must be vigilant and questioning, although the kids won’t always understand our ongoing concern.

One day I was out to lunch with several of my family. As my brother in law walked out of the restaurant, a child of about 5 raised his hand up for a high five. As my brother in law went by he gave the boy a high five. To which the child replied, “that man touched me!” Thankfully everyone knew what had happened. But, the lesson is  that children don’t always know what is appropriate, we have taught them to honor and respect adults and some evil people will use that to manipulate and abuse a child.

So as parents we have this double challenge of protecting our children from abusers and at the same time protecting our children’s innocence. When Jesus blessed the children I believe He echoed what He had heard from the Father, you are beloved and I am pleased and delighted in you.

I love you too, and I am pleased and delighted in you and what Jesus is doing in your life.

Pastor Randy

“Solid Ground” series continues this week about parenting, but I think it applies to everybody. I’ll save you a seat by the front!