Pastor Randy started our new series, Dream To Destiny, this past Sunday. It’s based on a book by Robert Morris that explores 10 tests that Joseph faced in Genesis chapters 37-50. I’m so pumped that many of you have bought the book, are reading through it and are studying the work book too!

The whole theme of Dream To Destiny is that we can look at the life of Joseph and learn a lot about how God has an incredible plan for us to walk in His presence and become a blessing to the world around us. We also see how God is intentional about building His character in us and  He purposes everything in our lives for our good – and our greatest good is to become just like Jesus.

On Sunday, we talked about the first test Joseph faced: The Pride test. Pride is a funny thing. It has many faces and flavors, but it all comes from the same place: fear. The fear that we’re not enough, that we don’t have enough, that we won’t have what it takes. Pride comes from the fear of never being liked, or maybe only being liked and not truly loved. Pride is always making up for something deep inside that we feel like we don’t have.

Then pride always leads us to the same place: sin. It’s the reason for the original sin. Satan tricked Eve into being scared that maybe she wasn’t enough, and maybe the life God had given her wasn’t enough. Then, maybe God didn’t really have her best interests at heart. You can see where this is leading. Maybe it sounds familiar because it’s the same road you’ve been on. I know I’ve been there many times and somedays I navigate it better than others.

This fear leads to the sin of pride which says, “God what you have done isn’t enough, I have to take control of the situation.”

Thankfully God in His grace and mercy has stayed the same. He hasn’t changed up the solution to our fear problem, and it will always be the same: to turn from our own way and trust in Him. What helps me is to go to God’s word and remind myself of who made me (Psalm 139:14 & Ephesians 2:10). I ask Him to remind me Who has always loved me (Ephesians 1:4-6). If those things are true, then it must be true that I have nothing to fear, I’ve got nothing to fabricate, and I’ve got nothing to make up for. He’s enough.

I hope you’ll press into who God is and what He says about you this week.

See ya Sunday!

Tim Sewalt